Book Review: Lethal Standoff by DiAnn Mills


Lethal Standoff by DiAnn Mills - 5 Stars 

"God does hear. He cares. The one thing I feel in my bones is His love.”

Talk about a WILD ride! My first DiAnn Mills book and will NOT be my last! This had everything you want in a good romantic suspense. Great balance of romance and suspense in my opinion. Characters you connect with, faith content you love to see and it's quite the page turner. DiAnn's writing is wonderful and I highly recommend you check this book out if you love a good romantic suspense story.

In this one, we follow Carrington and Levi. Carrington is a hostage negotiator and Levi is an investigative reporter. They are both on the scene of 15 hostages being held by the Kendrix brothers in an abandoned house in South Texas. The brothers are armed and dangerous and refusing to let them go. Things start off from here as we have this great story that keeps you connected, invested and needing to know all the twists and turns Carrington and Levi take along the way. 

The romance depicted in this book was developed and layered - they really communicated well and didn't rush through things since there was so much going on. We have so much backstories too between the two and I loved learning about them along the way, from Levi's family issues due to his faith and Carrington's guilt and health journey - so much depth with these characters! Levi's faith was also encouraging and seeing him talk to Carrington about it was beautiful - especially how everything wrapped up for her faith journey in the end. I loved the dual POV between Levi and Carrington too, I think it really added to the story.

The pacing was perfection in this book and DiAnn really keeps you engaged! I cannot recommend it enough! I think it's safe to say, I'll be reading all of DiAnn's books I can going forward!

Thank you to Tyndale House Publishers for a copy of the book to honestly read and review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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