Book Review: The Fight for Female by Lisa Bevere


The Fight for Female by Lisa Bevere - 4 Stars

A very important and well needed book for today's world. Lisa dives right into the ongoing cultural, spiritual and society challenges in today's world. She goes through many things the enemy is doing to distort and twist biblical truths and gives us messages of hope. It calls for women to unite, embracing their God-given identity. She emphasizes the need for open, honest conversations, both with God and within communities to find solutions that are rooted in truth. "The Fight for Female" is a compelling call to action, urging women to rise up and fight for the very core of their identity, not only for themselves but for the generations to come.

Really enjoyed this one. Not a favorite of all time, but really glad she published this at such a time when what she talks about is needed.

Thank you to Revell for a copy to honestly read and review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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