Book Review: Finding Kind by Kari Baker


Finding Kind by Kari A. Baker - 5 Stars 

Favorite Scripture and Quotes:

"As he went along, he saw a man blind from birth. His disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” “Neither this man nor his parents sinned,” said Jesus, “but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him." - John 9:1-3

"I'm no longer a slave to fear. I am a child of God." It gave me hope and exposed the destructive mindset I was in. I had a beautiful, funny, healthy child whose brain worked a little differently. I was not enslaved. I was entrusted. God believed that my son needed to be part of the world, and He picked me to be his Mom. He entrusted me to be his Mom. To what have you been entrusted? What seems like a burden to you today but could be recharacterized as a blessing when you decide you are not a slave to it? The circumstances of your life do not determined your ability to experience joy and fulfillment.....instead of focusing on the circumstance, try to focus on what God is helping you learn or what he is equipping you for. Sometimes, pain has a purpose." - Chapter 7

"My pain was real, but it was also self-induced. I was clinging desperately to my broken plan, unwilling to accept that maybe, just maybe, God's plan was better. I was sacrificing the joy I had in front of me for the bitterness of misplaced entitlement to a life that never belonged to me. I was in chains of my own making, refusing to recognize that what I thought was holding me back was really leading me to a new purpose." - Chapter 7 

When I say the Lord put this book in my path, I truly believe He did. When the publisher reached out for me to early review this one, I couldn't say no. It's hard to find many Christian Non-Fiction Autism Mama books out there and this one is one I truly needed. This author wasn't even on my radar. I am so thankful to have read this one as an Autism Mama, I needed it. Kari tells us the story of her journey with her 13 year son Brady, who is autistic. She provides immense encouragement from a place of faith. I smiled, I laughed, I cried. The true relatability I found in her story in my journey with our little man. She gives me hope on the other side of things, where we aren't there yet. Her story gives me a different perspective. She is vulnerable in sharing her story, her mistakes, her grief, her past judgmental moments, her perspective changes and her coming to the Lord is prayer for her family and their journey.

Her story about her son finding his faith in God and his baptism touched me the most (see below quotes). 

More favorite part of the book:
"It's ok Mommy. I believe now. God told me it was true." "What is on paper isn't the final word for God. He can work in us and through us to produce result you could never expect and in places you would never imagine."

"Perhaps most importantly, without autism, Brady wouldn't be Brady. He is fearfully and wonderfully made. He is smart, funny, kind, truthful, faith-filled and fearless. He is exactly the child I prayed for an more. He is a gift to me, and to the world. He was put on this planet for a purpose, so the world could see the works of God through him, just like John 9 promised." 

I highly recommend this book to any Mama who is going through anything similar in their own journey. Thank you to the publisher for a copy to honestly read and review. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Finding Kind releases on October 22nd. 

Hardcover: (May be on Amazon closer to release day)

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